Modigliani for all

Jan 17, 2021 | Authentications & attributions, Exhibitions, Studies and Projects

Never have paintings raised more doubts on authenticity than those attributable to Amedeo Modigliani.

Even when they are signed, with flawless provenance, doubt lingers.

For years, a painting hwas accepted as authentic only if accompanied by the expertise of very few “connoisseurs”, very often without any scientific dossier or, if existing, only self-referential.

The opinions pronounced by these “names”, even with a faint voice, could, and did, decree the fortune or oblivion of a painting.

Modigliani’s paintings have for years been the subject of studies, sometimes even pseudo-mathematical, on the proportions of the faces or the precise distance of the eyes. But the parameters to establish an authentic Modigliani are still unclear or in any case considered the prerogative of very few. Creating a monopoly that is everything but transparent and scientific.

However,, perhaps also thanks to the many scandals, the situation is changing. Soon there will be a new database to study, new reference elements!

For the first time, the investigations on a substantial number of Modigliani will be presented in an exhibition, and they will be shared. 

Thanks to a powerful diagnostic campaign carried out by C2RMF on 27 paintings, including two copies, and three sculptures, all from public collections, the secrets of Modi’ will be disclosed.

We will be able to dive into diagnostics during the exhibition that will open next February (hopefully), and to listen carefully to what will be discussed during the Symposium on March 17-18.

Starting with Antonia (in the image a collage of the investigations).