Florence Heri-Tech is back in town, and Art-Test will be part of it

Apr 24, 2024 | Conferences, Studies and Projects

The biannual Future of Heritage Science and Technologies International Conference will be held in Florence on 29-30 April 2024, for its 4th edition.

The final programme can be downloaded from the website: https://www.florenceheritech.com/.

Art-Test in collaboration with an group of excellent experts from the Virtual World Heritage Lab of the University of Indiana, the Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Italian national restoration lab), and the University of Padua, will present “Mapping the evidence of ancient polychromies on the 3D model of a Roman Sculpture“, were an innovative investigation technique will be illustrated on a very interesting case study.

All the works presented will be published open access by Springer, thus they will be available to all.