Preparations are underway for the second edition and Art and(is) Science!
Following the success of last year, Aiar (Italian Association of Archaeometry) organizes for the first weekend of November, together with the initiative of Mibact “A Sunday at the Museum”, a new national meeting entirely dedicated to the interaction between art and science, culture, society and education, with special attention paid to the diagnostics, the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.
The 2014 edition involved researchers from Universities, CNR, INFN, ENEA, and other research institutions and private companies that have been active in places of historical/artistic interest and museums scattered throughout the Italian territory, with study meetings and guided visits focused on technology applied to art and conservation issues.
Art-Test and S.T. Art-Test (which already participated to the last event, at the Archaeological Museum of Himera, Termini Imerese 12-13/12/2014), will be glad to meet you this year at the Gallery of Modern Art in Palermo.
We’ll provide soon the details of the event.