With a crescendo reminiscent of Zimmer’s musical pieces, in recent years we have increasingly heard, read and defined the word: sustainability.
In the beginning it seemed to be almost something elitarian but it turned out to be quite the opposite.
So what does sustainable mean for us? Is culture sustainable? Should it be?
Perhaps the time has come (although admittely talking about time in this period is actually a bit weird) to address this topic and try to understand how culture can be be part of a sustainable economy.
That is, an economy that safeguards the earth’s resources.
One of the Goals indicated by the UN 2030 Agenda is: “Providing quality, equitable and inclusive education, and learning opportunities for all.
We would like to briefly reflect on this.
In our opinion, when a society manages to make culture accessible to all, it creates a future of people capable of actively contributing to global sustainability.
Even more, only if this role for culture is recognized, it will be possible to have a virtuous circle that will see investments in this sector coming also from other parts of the economy, aware that it is the humus that feeds a sustainable future.
It will be the multiplier of every action aimed at the well-being of a community. If we think about it, this reflection is also the primitive thought that led to the creation of the European Cities of Culture.
The cultural programs presented in these occasions are the implementation of that virtuous circle we mentioned before. Culture is the beginning and ultimate end of living the community well, and therefore of contributing to the evolution of the world economy, which increasingly needs to continue in a sustainable way.
In recent years, for all Italian and European cities the sustainability of the projects presented was the keyword for the feasibility of it.
For all of them there was a new renaissance.