Talking about Conservation: what is that is needed?

Oct 2, 2022 | Art Word, Conferences

Heritage protection and restoration were the main topics of the workshop Integrated services for Restoration. Companies and professionals supporting the restoration and conservation of cultural heritage “organized by CNA Florence in the Salone dei Duecento of Palazzo della Signoria in Florence, and it could not have been done in a more appropriate location.

It goes without saying that Florentine restoration has a world record for the correctness and accuracy of how it is carried out. Conservation professionals operating there need no introduction.

During the event, agreements were presented with insurance companies , legal support and transport dedicated to fine art . Each preofessional illustrated what services could be useful to restorers, and the restorers’ questions were answered in detail regarding aspects of their work they have to deal with on a daily basis. For example, with regard to insurance amounts for publicly owned works. There was also a discussion about who should declare the artwork value or whether it is possible to act with the institutions and change the public procurement code, by creating an ad hoc section for the restoration of artworks. A burning issue, as it currently obliges restorers to reduce their costs and thus the quality of the work they can provide.

The world of diagnostics was missing, but we believe that soon this “integrated service” will also be included. As a diagnostic laboratory we have always been convinced that the quality of restoration projects must also be assessed on the basis of the scientificity and effectiveness of the analyzes included in the project . Certainly, as has been pointed out several times, it is no longer possible to consider awarding tenders with the sole parameter of the maximum discount. Surely this is the fastest method for analyzing projects but it damages the quality of the project itself and therefore the correct protection of the asset is in danger.

Another positive note comes from Tuscany with the initiative “ Make Culture count. Creative Tuscany 2030 ” promoted by the Region which aims to be a moment of verification with the experts, first through the administration of a questionnaire and then with a comparison through hearings and meetings. For more information and to fill out the questionnaire on the collection click here .

Emanuela Massa
Emanuela Massa